Plot Generator

Social Media Meme Edition

Our plot generator contains a suite of different tools, for example engines that write blurbs, movies and short stories. This page is just a quick tool we've knocked up to help you share brief novel ideas on social media.

Please keep your input family friendly.
Need a prompt? Go random!

Everybody has a book in them. What's yours?

The first name of the last person who commented on one of your social media posts?

Your first job

The place where you had your first kiss

The last thing you bought

The first initial of your crush

The last celebrity to pop up in your newsfeed

An adjective

Your surname

What are you doing in your current social media profile picture?

And finally, what's your pen name?

Stuck? Try our pen name generator

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The Plot Generator Meme

Write a plot in seconds.
hilarious plot creator / story meme generator

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