Plot Generator

Create a Fantasy Plot in Seconds

Please keep your input family friendly.
Need a prompt? Go random!

Your protagonist
Name Male Female

A second character
Name Male Female

Thirteen adjectives (e.g. friendly, scary, ugly)
What? It is a fantasy novel!

A type of dwelling (e.g. hole, cave, house)

What does that dwelling provide (e.g. comfort, happiness, warmth)

Two types of creature, singular (e.g. imp, zombie, monster)

Three types of creature, plural (e.g. people, gnomes, witches)

One objects, singular (e.g. stone, sword, mug)

Two nouns, plural (e.g. maps, pens, stones)

A skill (e.g. resourcefulness, intelligence)

A job (e.g. scout, swordsman)

A battle (e.g. Five Armies, Waterloo, the Somme)

Two verbs (e.g. dying, sitting, walking)

And finally, what's your pen name?

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Fantasy Plot Generator

Quickly plot a fantasy storyline for a book or movie.
storyline creator / fantasy story writer / Tolkien idea generator / novel plotter / DND / WOW / RPG

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