Plot Generator

Create a dystopian plot in seconds

Please keep your input family friendly.
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A year, preferably in the future (e.g. 2099, 2101)

A location

An adjective to describe that location in the year you chose (e.g. grim, frozen)

Who now rules that place (e.g. zombies, fascists)

An adjective to describe this ruler or rulers (e.g. mean, destructive)

A landmark that has been damaged

An adjective to describe that landmark in your dystopian future (e.g. shattered, mouldy)

What event caused the world to become like this? (e.g. a meteor strike, a nuclear attack)

Your protagonist
Name (title, first name, last name)
Male Female

One adjective to describe him or her (e.g. brave, reasonable)


The name of a revolutionary organisation (e.g. The Sisterhood, The Alliance)

Two things the organsiation could use to save the world

An enemy
Name (title, first name, last name)
Male Female

One negative adjectives that could be used to describe this person (e.g. mean, destructive)


A part of the body (e.g. leg, arm)
And finally, what's your pen name?

Stuck? Try our pen name generator

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Dystopian Plot Generator

Quickly plot the blurb for a dystopian book or movie.
post-apocolyptic story generator / dystopian fiction writer / dystopian future novel writer

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