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-10, Year of HumansThis is a stock cover image. We regularly add new custom covers so come back tomorrow to see if we've made one for you.

-10, Year of Humans

A Dystopian Plot
by Fat So

The full orchestra concert has destroyed the world as we know it.

The year is -10. Folsom is a happy place ruled by humans. Once glorious, Trump Tower is now orange.

Delightful plumber, Yeet Yote Yaat is humanity's only hope. Yote finds the courage to start a secret revolutionary organization called The Orch Dorks.

The fight is jeopardised when Yote is tricked by amazing conductor, Mistress Condu Ctor, and injures her buttwhole.

Armed with bows and instruments, The Orch Dorks try their best to save mankind, but can they defeat amazing humans and restore Trump Tower to its former glory?

Created on 19th December 2019.

Auto Praise for -10, Year of Humans

"Yote Yaat is such a compelling hero. I'd give this book six stars if I could."
- The Daily Tale
"Yet another dystopian story set in -10 Folsom. Reading this book was like playing golf with my own eyeballs."
- Enid Kibbler
"An injured buttwhole is no joke. I read this book with my heart in my chest."
- Hit the Spoof
"I could do better."
- Zob Gloop


0 | 1 | -1

All Time Rank: 816069.5 out of 822537
(We added the voting feature on 14th December 2017)

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