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The #bay12lb StoryThis is a stock cover image. We regularly add new custom covers so come back tomorrow to see if we've made one for you.

The #bay12lb Story

A Slice Of Life Novel
by Uncle Iron

"I'm going to need long posts, big, long posts."

During a The Reckoning in #bay12lb in 2009, a baby is born and dies before he can take his first breath.

During a The Reckoning in #bay12lb in 2009, the same baby is born and lives to tell the tale. That baby becomes 15-year-old IronTomato , a noble and rude Bay Watcher.

What if there were second chances? Third chances? Fourth chances? Would you eventually be able to save the world from soulless spambots who ban each other? Would you even want to?

The #bay12lb Story follows IronTomato and his puffy buddeh, Darvi , as their carefree lives tumble through turbulent events in Bay 12 Forums, again and again.

However, the end of the world approaches, and time is running out for IronTomato. He is left with two options: stop the soulless spambots in one hour, or allow the world to end in a ball of fire.

Uncle Iron explores forumites and long posts to full effect in the slice of life novel to end all slice of life novels.

Created on 8th October 2014.

Auto Praise for The #bay12lb Story

"Never have there been more chilling villains than soulless spambots that ban each other."
- The Daily Tale
"Are we seriously supposed to find a noble and rude Bay Watcher from #bay12lb heroic?"
- Enid Kibbler

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